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Our fabulous main arena hosts a variety of displays and events throughout the day to suit all the family. 

Displays at our 2024 show include:

Les Amis Stunt Team’s Jousting Show – ‘Knights of the North’
Les Amis Stunt Team are Scotland’s premier equestrian stunt team, performing quality live action
stunt shows all over the UK & Ireland since 2008.
Originating in France, we bring some of the best equestrian theatre stunt shows to the UK. Don’t
miss the Knights of the North Stunt jousting show this year at the Great Harwood Agricultural Show!
The team work with their beautiful Andalusian, Friesian, Lusitano and Hungarian horses, see for
yourself the connection between rider and animal as they amaze the crowd with their daring stunts.
Be ready be to transported back to Medieval times to witness an exciting jousting tournament, help
our master of ceremonies keep track of the scores with boos and cheers, make sure our knights
know who is your favourite and support him to winning the golden lance tip trophy.
With thrills, spills and stunts aplenty our jousting show provides fun entertainment for all of the
family to enjoy.
Find us on facebook @lesamisstuntteam and @joustingscotland

SMJ Birds of Prey Flying Display
SMJ Falconry operate their family birds of prey business from Oxenhope, having built bespoke
aviaries within their property of 10 acres. They have 59 birds of prey ranging from small owls to large
The Team enjoy taking our birds to shows such as Great Harwood Agricultural Show, talking about
them and demonstrating their natural flying abilities. The birds are also taken on educational visits
to schools around the surrounding districts and, at the other end of life’s spectrum, to care homes
where owls and kestrels are always popular. Guests visit their facility for Experience Days, which are
always by appointment and on a one-to-one basis. Hunting Days and pest control operations
complete our range of activities.
Experienced staff will be on-hand all day to answer questions about the birds and falconry in general
at our static display area and you’ll be able to take as many photographs as you want to. SMJ are
performing two flying shows during the day in the main arena with different birds being flown at
each display, and this will accompanied by a crowd-engaging commentary.

Heavy Horse Supreme Championship
Find out who will win ‘Supreme of Show’ from the Youngstock, In-hand and Ridden Championships
of the Heavy Horse section.

Children’s Games
Free to enter on the day, just come into the main ring at the start of the games to take part. Parent
supervision encouraged if needed! Rosettes awarded for 1st to 4th place and sweets for all taking
The games children can take part in are:
Welly throwing, Sack race & Egg and spoon race.
Each will be split into 3 age categories: up to 5 years, 5-8 years, 9-12 years.